Information2 doctors

Visit of a multi-skilled specialist

It is important to seek medical advice at the first symptoms of any disease as soon as possible and receive recommendations on therapeutic approach and lifestyle change. At this, it is not necessary to visit a medical facility. You can make use of Dobrobut clinic chain service and request a house call by a doctor to avoid condition deterioration or secure yourself and others from contagious diseases.

If you want to make use of the service, you should call the contact center on (044; 097) 495-2-888 to get more specific information and organize a visit.

Consultations by Dobrobut clinic chain doctors at home (both for children and for adults) include:

  • visit by a medical specialist at home;
  • checkup;
  • diagnosing;
  • recommendations on the examination;
  • recommendations on the treatment;
  • issue a temporary disability sheet, if necessary.

Make an appointment

Visit of a multi-skilled specialist

By submitting requests you agree to MN «Dobrobut»

Doctors Visit of a multi-skilled specialist:
9experience (y.)
Kolomai Nataliia Valeriivna
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Cardiologist; Doctor of functional diagnostics; Pediatrician; Physician; Ultrasound doctor
11experience (y.)
Labunets Roman Vitaliiovych
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Pediatrician; Physician