
Diagnosis of gynecological diseases in girls

Regular preventive examinations of a paediatric gynaecologist give the possibility to prevent development of diseases and start the timely treatment if necessary. The time of recovery depends on how early a girl is taken to a doctor and on the well-timed diagnostics, in this case the consequences of disease will be minimal.

Dobrobut clinic chain offers full range of diagnostic services required for detection of genital and reproductive system diseases of girls.

To determine a diagnosis correctly a paediatric gynaecologist can use laboratory and instrumental diagnostics apart from examination and collection of complaints. With modern expert diagnostic equipment available in Dobrobut clinic chain, a paediatric and adolescent gynaecologist can determine a diagnosis with greatest fidelity.

Instrumental diagnostics

Instrumental gynaecological diagnostics of girls includes hardware ultrasound examination and colposcopy (for sexually active girls only).

Colposcopy helps a doctor to determine the state of vaginal walls and cervix. Inflammation and disruption of cervical epithelium continuity can be excluded of confirmed with the results of a checkup.

Ultrasound of small pelvis organs gives the possibility to get the complete clinical picture of the state of girl’s reproductive system and reveal a disease at the early stages before the symptoms emerge.

Ultrasound is prescribed in case of complaints about the lower abdominal pain, change of discharge nature, and also during the puberty in case of irregular or painful periods.

If a girl does not have complaints about reproductive system or genitalia, the first mandatory planned ultrasound is performed at the age of 12 to identify the readiness of the organs to puberty.

Preparation, as a full urinary bladder, is needed for high-quality ultrasound. A patient can drink half a litre of water 30–40 minutes before the procedure.

In Dobrobut clinic chain the instrumental diagnostic examination is performed with modern equipment by leading manufacturers:

  • Endoscopic equipment by Storz
  • Ultrasound equipment by GE (Voluson)

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Diagnosis of gynecological diseases in girls

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