Feshchuk Olena Oleksandrivna

Feshchuk Olena Oleksandrivna

Physician; Cardiologist; Ultrasound doctor
29experience (y.)
The Doctor Doctor takes in clinic
Nearest pickup time: Сьогодні о 15:45

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by cardiologist
1140 uah
Consultation by general practitioner / family doctor before vaccination
770 uah
Consultation by general practitioner / family doctor
1140 uah
1310 uah
Issuance of a medical note, preparation of a medical record copy
380 uah
24-hour blood pressure monitoring
1450 uah
24-hour blood ECG monitoring
1880 uah
24-hour blood ECG and pressure monitoring
2300 uah
Standard electrocardiography in 12 leads with interpretation
460 uah
ECG reading
200 uah
Influenza vaccination program with Vaxigrippe Tetra vaccine
1250 uah
Program of vaccination against influenza with the vaccine GC Flu Quadrivalent 0.5 ml
1105 uah
Information about the doctor Feshchuk Olena Oleksandrivna

Category: Higher


  • Chernivtsi Medical Institute, Medical Care specialty

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • member of the Ukrainian Cardiology Association;
  • regular participant of conferences, advanced thematic courses in cardiology.

Areas of professional development:

  • after graduating from medical institute completed a two-year internship in therapy;
  • completed primary specialization in cardiology.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • treatment and diagnosis of heart diseases.

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Hobbies, favorite movies, books:

  • "I am fond of cooking, I like to watch films of historical and detective genres."

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Feshchuk Olena Oleksandrivna

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